In a surprise announcement, the government of Alberta has confirmed that the establishment of a Tribunal to address condominium-related disputes will not proceed at this time. Citing reasons such as investment from government would be required and budget constraints, the government also indicated that the provisions from the 2014 Condominium Property Amendment Act that relate to the establishment of a tribunal were repealed on December 31, 2021. These provisions apparently had remained unproclaimed for more than five years, and the Statutes Repeal Act required they be repealed if they remain unproclaimed. The government expressed disappointment at the decision and that the Tribunal could be reassessed and implemented at some time in the future. This announcement will no doubt be poorly received by those who supported the establishment of such a Tribunal.

For more information, please reach out to one of our Condominium lawyers: Dionne Levesque, Kate Kozowyk, John McDougall, or Stuart Gray.